Thursday, January 29, 2015

SOL - The Continuing Class Of 2016

       I've spent a lot of time thinking about when I continue. My speech will probably be no more memorable than anybody else's. Through all 8 of my years here only one speech has stood out to me. It was last year, John Walsh's speech, about unicorns and adventure. It was an amazingly creative speech. Now I think about all of my friends who are continuing this year, and how I may not even remember their speeches by this time next year. I want to make my speech memorable, but at the same time I want to blend in. Maybe it would be better to not be remembered.
       Anyway, I hate public speaking, and the thought of having to get up in front of that many people makes me want to run somewhere you will never find me. This year I've really started to think about the fact that I'm continuing next year. It's a weird thing to think about. Just this week I realized that at the end of this year when they say "the continuing class of 2016," that's going to be me. Oh god! It's too soon! Is running still an option? Nope. Nope it's not.

photo credit:


  1. I guess I thought as I read your slice that there is a Dr. Seuss quote that helps me when I have to say goodbye: "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Your memories are lovely to read, Selah.

  2. Interesting. Maybe if you record your friend's speeches you can remember them.

  3. It's nice that you care so much about your friends! I think you'll be great no matter what!

  4. Nice slice. By the way, was running ever an option?

  5. That was good Selah. I totally felt the same way last year!

  6. I. know. what. you. mean. Because I totally feel that way. Like if I don't remember my friend's speeches I'm going to feel really bad but I can't remember all of them! Oh well, nobody will remember mine anyway and then it will just sort of feel like we're even.

  7. Your speech will be amazing, Selah. I know it.

  8. I like your SOL - I am bad at public speaking to - I think I try to hard to be someone else! I think that your speech will be amazing!!


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