Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March 2 - All I Can Do Is Get Better

Even when I study, even when I practice, it doesn't feel like I'm prepared. For anything really. I studied and studied until my brain just about exploded, but I still didn't know the title of the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I practiced and practiced, but still felt like I wasn't in the right place to intercept the ball. I've had the last four years to practice being a buddy, but still felt like I wasn't prepared for the forceful attitude I received today. I thought I knew how crisis six would work, but it turned out I missed a whole paragraph. But that's all I really can do, right? Practice and study until I remember when Mannerism was popular, or figure out where to be so the stopper doesn't have to do all the work. If I practice and study, all I can do is get better.


  1. Hmm... Very inspirational and true to you. I like that your writing style is really prominent in the post. Great SOL!

  2. I like the repetition in your slice. Great job!

  3. i totally agree about studying for the test today- it was so hard to remember everything.


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