Thursday, March 10, 2016

March 10 - The Way

The way the grass smells just after it rains.
The way the sun shines from behind the tops of the mountains.
The way my shoes splash through puddles.
The way other units emerge from their houses.
The way everyone looks over the railing to see if it's still raining.
The way the trees glisten in the light.
The way you have to hike through the drizzle to do archery.
The way the radio crackles.
The way they tell everyone to go inside, away from the lightning.
The way everyone jumps when lightning hits the tree right outside the window.
The way the sky lights up when the clouds part.
The way a rainbow appears and you know the evening will be great.
The way a perfect day at Tomahawk goes.


  1. Rainy days are always perfect days, especially at camps in the summer.

  2. Rainy days are great. Nice rhythm, I like this slice.

  3. Rainy days are great. Nice rhythm, I like this slice.

  4. This is such a cool idea for a slice, I really like it! Nice job!

  5. This is a really cool idea, nice slice

  6. Rainy Days are the best! Love this slice!

  7. You described a day really well! Great job!

  8. I love rainy days, but I've never seen lightning up close.

  9. I love rainy days, but I've never seen lightning up close.

  10. I like how it tells a story in a poem form, and the line breaks and repetition work well together. Cool post!


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