Thursday, April 16, 2015

SOL - Snow

       Waking up to snow is almost as bad as waking up to a 100 degree day. Especially after you haven't slept well. Today I woke up before the alarm and could tell though the blinds that the weather was in a foul mood. I cracked open my door and trudged to the bathroom, not even bothering to look outside.
       "Good morning!" My mom says from her room. "Your uniform is dry, though I doubt you'll be having a game today with all the snow." I finally look outside to the grey sky and floppy white flakes and groan internally. I am not particularly fond of snow, even though I've lived with it my whole life, and almost never like waking up to it. Especially not in April. Four months into the year new snow should not be falling. If anything is going to fall from the sky it should be rain. I love rain. That's why I like spring. Usually.
       Walking outside is a whole new task entirely. There's no way to get around the large flakes, and I end up covered before I even reach the front of the car. Once in the car the drive's not so bad. We get the heater going and warm up, the snow slowly melting off our jackets. The worst part of the drive is the traffic. Other cars are going so slowly that we end up crawling our way to school. As we pull onto the school property "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" comes on the radio and I'm pulled back to another time where there wasn't snow on the ground and I was dressed up, performing in front of 80 people. Those were good times. We pull into the loop and I'm forced to get out of my warm, dry haven and embark on the treacherous journey to the front doors.


  1. I understand your feeling but I love snow and I don't particularly like waking up to a sunny day. Nice Slice!

  2. Yeah. Waking up to snow sucks unless its a snow day.

  3. It's still snowing, a lot! I like your including of the song title, so appropriate, and the other details. What a change today brought.


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